#cocaine !i b! 'Coke' !n! Fine white powder. Usually a small amount is sniffed, or 'snorted' up the nose through a tube. It is absorbed into the blood supply via the {nasal membranes}. 'Freebasing' sometimes happens - the smoking of cocaine base, also known as 'crack'. This is a more potent method than snorting. Cocaine can be injected, but this is less common. SHORT-TERM USE: Generates a strong feeling of {euphoria} & alertness. Also, decreased hunger, indifference to pain & {fatigue}, & feelings of great physical strength & mental capacity. Damaging effects may include {anxiety} or panic. Effects are short-lived & last about 15-30mins. This means dose may have to be repeated every 20mins to maintain effect. Large doses, or a series of quickly repeated doses, can lead to an extreme state of agitation, {anxiety}, {paranoia} &, perhaps, {hallucination}. These effects generally fade as the drug is eliminated from the body. The after-effects include {fatigue} & {depression}. Excessive doses can cause death from respiratory or {heart} failure. LONG-TERM USE: Physical dependence develops quickly since user wants repeated feelings of physical & mental well-being & is often tempted to increase dosage. Withdrawal from habitual use can be unpleasant with {insomnia}, restlessness, {nausea}, weight loss & sometimes severe {depression}. Repeated sniffing can damage {nasal membranes} & {nasal septum}.